Cheeky Joy focuses on sexual health and sexual pleasure for both women and men, with an extra focus on sexual challenges due to illness or disability. The right to experience sexual pleasure and good sexual health is a human right, but a right is not the same as having the opportunity. During our lives, most of us will experience sexual challenges. These challenges can be permanent and temporary such as; Erectile dysfunction, pain during intercourse, vaginismus, cervical and prostate cancer, MS, spinal cord injury etc.
Cheeky Joy has handpicked the hottest and best of sex toys and products that the industry has to offer with a main focus on high quality, function and that the products are safe to use on your body. Cheeky Joy are as critical to choosing the right products as you would be in your choice of hygiene products. With the right sex toys an products, the path to good sexual health and sexual pleasure can be short. Did you know that a sex toy can be as helpful and useful as a medical aid? You can read more about this topic here” Can a vibrator be as useful as a medical dilator?”
Many of us get confused by the large volume of sex toys and products that are on the market. Our goal is to find sex toys and products that are suited for you, and your partner. This includes also people experiencing sexual challenges due to illness or disability.
Based on knowledge and feedback from readers and customers who have tried the products in addition to our test panel and close dialogue with the suppliers, we can ensure that our focus area is taken care of. – high quality, user function and that the products are safe to use on your body.
Feel free to contact us if you have a sex toy or product you would like us to take a closer look at or would like to recommend to others. By using your anonymous recommendation of a product, others with the same sexual challenge can find their suitable and dream product. We hope you will find many good and useful products and sex toys for your pleasure. Furthermore, Cheeky Joy will work closely with the manufacturers so that products and sex toys can be further developed and more adapted to people with different challenges and disabilities. Please note that websites referred to by Cheeky Joy there is a minimum age limit of 18-years.